I have to really wonder if the cost of gas is effecting geocaching worse then I thought. While I have been vocal in forums about gas prices costing the average geocacher more and more, I never thought it was that bad.
That is, until recently.
I've noticed fewer logs being posted in my email during the day and even on weekends.
Sure there are those cachers that find 10 caches per day, but those too have shrunk.
I recently placed 2 new caches out, they have been found by 3 cachers and that is it.
Are they tough? Yes, but findable for sure. I'm not evening seeing too many DNF's either, or just notes being posted. I'm beginning to think it is the cost of gas.
Why else?
It just seems across the board, that fewer people are getting out there. This weekend was beautiful and perfect for caching, yet in the 30 mile radius logging email I have, we only had 23 finds over 3 days! That is IT. And those had been posted by 8 cachers and that was it.
I'm guessing that I a correct in my assumption.
That and I see that "main drag" caches are the ones getting the Found logs.
Get out there people!!!!!!!