Tuesday, July 15, 2008

They are hidden, wanna find em?

Well, finally got them both out, so here you go.

Prairie Creek Stump'n (GC1E6V1)
This cache is a 4/2.5 but I will admit, these are both high ratings. Why high? Because the location of the cache lends itself to a little looking and a little guessing to find it. Its more of a fun semi EVIL cache. On my EVIL cache rating system, I will say its a 5 out of 10 on the scale. Its just go look and develop stealth if you can.

Prairie Creek Side View (GC1E7KD)
This cache is a 4.5/4 and I am willing to move this up the scale on both counts, but the terrain level is probably high. Why high? Just due to the location and depending on the weather. Its a careful stepping cache find.
This cache gets a 7 out of 10 on the EVIL scale. Its a nice cache that will leave you chuckling when you finally do find it. IF YOU CAN.

So, if your willing, take a stab at either of these caches. Depending on how long it goes and how many DNF's look for hints here!!!