You know those 80's songs that said you are being watched, like "Private Eyes are watching you" or "who can it be now".....ya, those.
You ever been in the middle of NO WHERE and felt like someone was watching your every move?
There are several caches around here that lend that feeling rather quickly. One in a certain small cemetery that makes you feel like someone is just eyeing you up as you pull into the gravel.
Or how about the one that the neighbor just spies your every move and quickly closes the blinds when you give them a peek? Yup, that was a fun one also, another cemetery cache.
Funniest, doing a LPC and being in an abandoned parking lot, looking for the cache in the normal LPC locations and out of the corner of your eye seeing an employee of another business looking at you. Do you act like a homeless man? Do you look like your lost, looking for a contact, or just hold up your GPS and pray the know? Ya, I know. Just walk away and hold what dignity you have left. LOL, well...
So, do you freely admit your a cacher? Do you hide and act like your the local light pole inspector? Funny as it is, most won't admit they cache unless its a LEO asking.
Why? Dunno.
So next time your out and about, you feel those eyes piercing you, your probably being watched. That little old lady that lives next to the cache location doesn't know there is a cache there....or does she?
Perhaps she is a EVIL CACHE OWNER!!!!!!