Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Backseat Driver still there, but unfound...

I'm sure ol "Backseat Driver" (GC1DGZA) is getting lonely. A few visitors have stopped in but no one has said hello yet! Come on guys, its there, I promise ya.

So what is the deal with Backseat Driver? As many a local cacher knows, a local cache called "Mean Streak" (GC12Z46) lived up to its name. It was/is a mean cache, even I haven't found it yet after a few trips to find it. It took over a year to find the thing, but finally someone did find it. After several trips looking for Mean Streak, I decided that I had to make a cache that would be tough and I do mean tough to find. I wanted something that would make everyone have to really look. So what is it? I'm not telling a thing. The only bit of info is that the cache log is in a match safe. Other then that, you are left to look for the cache!
The hints? I've gotten a few emails saying the hints didn't add up. To this I have replied, yes they do, if you stop and think about it.

Today a friend and fellow cacher stopped in to finally have a go at it. He found my other cache, but when he went in search of Backseat, he couldn't get it.
When he returned we talked about the hints. Once we started talking, he finally understood and said the hints did make sense after all.
Still with said hints, I told him he probably will still be hard pressed to find it.
Funny as it sounds, while doing maintenance on this cache the first time, I couldn't find it at first. So, after several minutes I finally located it.
Yup, you read that right. Its that well hidden into its environment.

So, go give "Backseat Driver" a try and stop in on the other caches along the way. There are plenty out here and more to come!