Monday, July 21, 2008

EVIL, SO EVIL.......

When one mentions PURE EVIL, you don't think of a cache do you?
Perhaps if you go looking for this.....
GC1EE25 aka "Off Road Driver"
This is my most EVIL cache to day. It rates a 10 of 10 on the scale.
No one and I do repeat NO ONE has seen this cache other then myself. Not Mrs. Wapahani or Wapahani Kid #1 or #2. I repeat NO ONE.
Why is this important? Well, when it comes to evil, showing your hand can often times lead you to giving up your style. This is NOT the case worry.

I actually placed this cache several days ago, I let the territory settle before posting it to the reviewer and its now up for you all to venture after.
There is a nice $5FTF in it, plus the rights to brag.
But I'm willing to bet, it will be SOME TIME BEFORE THIS IS FOUND. Why? ITS EVIL.
The only hints you get, its lower then your eyes and above your toes. I'm 6'4" so use that as your measuring tool when looking.
I wish I had the ability to watch this search, but I don't. I'm sure it will be amusing.

Why this is harder then Backseat? Because, Backseat can be found using the clues. While this can too, the clues for this leave you guessing a bit. Backseat is pretty simple in the clues.

I've talked for a while amongst other cachers about this so called "Off Road Driver" cache and well its finally here. I've claimed evil of a level that has never been seen lets it?

Prove to me that it isn't evil!!!!!!