True. Finally getting around to grabbing a few more caches the other day. Weekend obligations kept me from having a shot at a couple FTF's, but hey, we don't seem to care about that too much. Considering we don't have one yet.
There is still one that hasn't been found, but doubtful we can get to it right now.
So last evening we went out on a 10 cache look. We decided to eye up meanstreak again, but still too many muggles to effectively search the entire location. One spot keeps eluding me, and I am hopeful to search that spot soon enough. MUGGLES!
We left after a short while of looking and decided to head over and grab a "dead end #1" which even though close to us, we had been passing up. So, drive we did, made a nice quick find and signed the log. Next we headed back to Memorials on Memorial #2, but still can't seem to find it. I'm beginning to think Muggles might have gotten it. Besides that, while searching we cut the search short due to a drug deal going down behind us. Sad world isn't it? So we moved on, decided to grab a couple caches that a friend placed. The first 2 were busts, both highly muggle prone areas, but I sent him a note and he will be checking them. The next spot from the same friend, and I spied it. It was a puzzle cache and I solved it a week or more ago, but finally got to it. The GPS took me there, but I didn't have the right shoes to grab it. I shall return to it!
Finally we scouted a few other cache locations and headed to the final cache. After I spied around a bit and didn't see it, Mrs Wapahani took the eye over and found it in no time at all. We decided 2 finds would just have to do for the day. Although it was frustrating, it was a Monday and what do you expect?
So, the log book has been added to, putting in other caches that hadn't been in there before, so in town will be the next target or searches!