Yesterday I sat about to create a nice cache container.
Mrs.Wapahani picked up a few smaller LockNLock containers and I wanted to camo them up.
2 of them got a wrap in a special duct tape that allows painting. After about 20 minutes of work, I had 2 containers wrapped. Next I sat about making my own camo.
Since I am also into model railroading, I had pleanty of real paint colors, green tree leaf, brown bark, brown burnt earth, black and so forth.
I quickly coated the containers in black to fill in the color, then came over them in green and finally I added brown stripes random. Then I recoated in green, and dusted in black to help soften edges.
I decided to attempt the same method minus the tape, just to do it direct on each container. Luckily it worked and worked well. So, I have 3 LockNLock containers ready to hide!
Oh, I also have the 2 match safes ready to go too!