This evening I received word that a previous DNF that we thought was AWOL, was actually still there, according to the owner. So we decided to seek it out.
When we arrived I sat about quickly to get the COORDS locked to the spot. While looking a truck drove up to us and the old gentleman asked us "Can I ask you guys what is going on?" to which we explained our situation. He chuckled and said "that explains all the cars down here!" and went on to inform us that "I own the land here , long story, but I bought this land a few years ago."
Turns out the land (former Church and Cemetery) had been under a tax sale and a gentleman had purchased it, sold all the innards and stored old tires in the church. When the guy we spoke to purchased it, he found all the tires and found that the church he wanted to restore was gutted and in bad shape, such bad shape that he couldn't fix it. The roof alone was $20,000 and that was just the start. So the structure beyond that was in unrepairable shape, and he made the hard choice to tear it down. This farmer had been around this church and cemetery his entire life. The original farmer that owned the adjacent land use to haul in dirt to fill grave and when this gentleman was a kid working for said farmer, he hauled in the dirt himself.
Long story short, he told us the story and we learned something new. So it shows you not all people are bad and most are good hearted people and if you listen, they will tell you stories of the area you cache in!
We also learned that the historical society that restored the cemetery used sand and water to polish the stones. I hope to get a picture of this cemetery, as the stones are the most beautiful I have ever seen!