Well, I've spent this summer away, but that doesn't mean I haven't been looking for those hiding spots.
I despise as a cache placer/owner the thought of having to place caches in parking lots, around phone booths, under public benches in busy bus stops, so I look for rural cache locations. So far I've been lucky as none of mine are in the city or even towns! They are in out of the way spots that are fun to visit.
Meaning that you might have to drive, but hey, that is part of the fun right?
New cache containers are in store, I've gotten a nice stock of them ready to go for one spot.
I'm still debating the idea of a stage cache nearby that will allow me to do a "look for me".
Otherwise this location is large enough to get 2 caches for the price of one. We will just wait and see. I've also been working on a new hiding technique, if I do place it, it will be a 8 or 9 on the hide scale, but it only goes to 5, so........ The evil rating will be a 12....on a 10 scale.... you getting the hint yet?
So, keep your eyes pealed!