Thursday, August 20, 2009

placing new caches

Well, I've spent this summer away, but that doesn't mean I haven't been looking for those hiding spots.
I despise as a cache placer/owner the thought of having to place caches in parking lots, around phone booths, under public benches in busy bus stops, so I look for rural cache locations. So far I've been lucky as none of mine are in the city or even towns! They are in out of the way spots that are fun to visit.
Meaning that you might have to drive, but hey, that is part of the fun right?

New cache containers are in store, I've gotten a nice stock of them ready to go for one spot.
I'm still debating the idea of a stage cache nearby that will allow me to do a "look for me".
Otherwise this location is large enough to get 2 caches for the price of one. We will just wait and see. I've also been working on a new hiding technique, if I do place it, it will be a 8 or 9 on the hide scale, but it only goes to 5, so........ The evil rating will be a 12....on a 10 scale.... you getting the hint yet?

So, keep your eyes pealed!

Off Road Driver, mis-te-que

Nothing like Backseat Driver, and the "Gee-I'm-A-Tree" stand in for Geometery.
Sooner of later the full secret of Backseat will come out, but not for some time. The only hint I would give is that it was a math problem, basically GEOMETRY that would solve the cache for you. It puzzled a few.
As to Off Road Driver, its been over 1 year now and no one has found it. I see people look for it more and more, but no luck for finding it. I'm sure sooner or later it will be found. I don't visit it much in the summer, once spring bloom hits, I hate the idea of going in there to find it, but I've done it.

I've received a few emails in regard to more hints. I can tell you that its a tricky one. I'm a model maker and can do some neat things. Let me just say that the last time I checked on it, it took me 10/15 minutes to FIND THE THING! Does that tell you anything? haha, so get use to looking.

I will say this as well, if you don't want a true hunt, then don't go looking. I tire of the emails asking why or asking to just tell them the location or type of container. WHY? Its a 5 for a reason and if you don't like that, then don't look. Hey, this is a sport/hobby that is suppose to be fun and if you don't like these type finds, then why bother?

Go, look, have fun!

More caching

Well, its been a LONG TIME. So, the other afternoon I took my son out and we found a cache. Nothing big, but I had to do a bit of cache maintenance, so I figured what the heck.
No GPS, just Geosense and well, we found it.
Wasn't hard, it was a quick park, look, grab, sign and replace. But it was a cache find.
This summer hasn't been real friendly to caching, but hey sometimes you just have to do what life lets you.

I see there are a few new caches in the area, but I see many have vanished. I allowed my Premium membership to lapse for a couple reasons, one being I never fully saw the benefit of paying to when their site is slow as SNOT and more times then I care to count is hard to get onto. Plus there just wasn't the benefit otherwise. I could count on one hand the total of premium caches and I never used the other features.

I turned all the PREMIUM MEMBER caches I had into basic caches, so have fun with them people.