Sunday, September 21, 2008

Frustration and just being pissed....

Last Monday I got online and found an email from a caching friend, they wanted to know why my cache "Backseat Driver" GC1DGZA had been archived. I didn't know what he was talking about because I hadn't been that far into my emails, but sure enough there it was, a note that my cache was being archived.
So I went and read the note left by the reviewer (not the same one that published it) and found that he claimed he had received complaints about this cache and was tired of it and just going to archive it. Well, you can read the postings on this, just go look at it.
So, I just couldn't understand this. I've found that normally when people have issues, they email you directly and move forward from that point. I had never once received an email stating that anyone had an issue. I couldn't understand why it would be archived without a single word to me from ANYONE. I hadn't heard a peep.
Me being curious I sent a nice note to the reviewer that archived the cache to see what the deal really was. Needless to say, I am still waiting on a response from said reviewer, and 3 emails later I have yet to hear a peep.
The cache doesn't violate a SINGLE rule, there aren't any questions about it, PERIOD. Its a nice right of way cache on top of that.

This cache is however a tough 5 star cache, that isn't easily found. I believe the last person to find it even admitted that they found it by luck. In their email to me they stated how they enjoyed it and liked the hide itself.
I've actually received a great deal of support on this. Even from a couple people I don't know. Via forums and on the cache page itself.
I guess some just don't like the tough nature of 4/5 star hides.

To further my questioning of this issue, I noticed that one cache I have been watching is now a month past a "needs maintenance" issue and NOTHING has been done to it.
I also notice another cache that is located on a federal postal sorting center that shouldn't be there hasn't had anything done to it. I've noticed several caches that are currently down for maintenance that have been such for months, still are just setting there.

So, why the rant.... I'm just wondering if someone got pissy about not finding backseat and complained over and over and get my point.
I've had a theory for a short time now and all this did was add fuel to it.
I don't need to say too much more. Its just given me less of a thrill to even want to hide more caches. I even have a few nice locations too..OH WELL...

That was fun...

The other evening we had a chance to get out to find a few caches. We grabbed our book with cache info in it and went on about finding them.
We found the first cache and it was interesting, a matchsafe with a hook on it in a tree. I saw it when we pulled up and it was quick. I figured a good sign for the day. The next location was a high muggle area, and we moved on, the next location left us a little baffled and finally we gave up, figuring we were missing something and would find the data when we got back home. Sure enough, I figure we will get it on our return trip. We headed onto the next location and upon arrival to the COORDS figured quickly that the COORDS and clue didn't add up. Using the clues, I quickly located the cache, but had to wait for muggles to depart.
Next cache was a "beyond" cache and we didn't find it, needless to say, I know the location now, I guess another scouting trip for this one.
We found a few more, 2 total earth caches and wrapped up the trip on a cache that when we arrived home, found to be archived. Oops.!

It was a fun 8 finds for the day..... Should have had 2 others, possibly 4 more, but oh well...